Good :-)
On 4/12/11 9:54 AM, "feverati" <> wrote:
>Hi Olivier
>thank you. With the last release the problem is solved!
>On 04/08/2011 02:20 PM, Olivier Couet wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I see your images have been produced with ROOT 5.24 (the last release
>> 5.28)
>> Can you try with a more recent version ?
>> Let me know.
>> Cheers,
>> O.Couet
>> On 4/8/11 11:56 AM, "feverati"<> wrote:
>>> Dear root experts,
>>> I have a small problem when saving canvas in pdf. To explain the
>>> I have put as attachment the same image in formats eps and pdf. One can
>>> appreciate that the floating numbers on the connecting lines are
>>> differently placed in the two image formats. Why is it so?
>>> The only difference is that in one case I save the file by
>>> c1->Print(5-ojw-1.pdf)
>>> and in the other with
>>> c1->Print(5-ojw-1.eps)
>>> On the screen, the image corresponds to the eps one.
>>> Thank you
>>> Giovanni Feverati
Received on Tue Apr 12 2011 - 10:03:14 CEST
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