Dear Rooters,
it seems that building a TH2F forces the labels of its axes to keep the gStyle properties at the creation time. On my Mac, with root 5.27.02, if I run:
gStyle->SetLabelFont (42,"xyz") ;
TH2F test ("test", "test", 10, 0, 10, 10, 0, 10) ;
TCanvas c1 ;
test.Draw () ;
I get the plot with the label font 42, while if I switch the first two lines as follows:
TH2F test ("test", "test", 10, 0, 10, 10, 0, 10) ;
gStyle->SetLabelFont (42,"xyz") ;
TCanvas c1 ;
test.Draw () ;
I get the labels written with the default font.
This does not happen with TH1F objects.
Is there a way to change the fonts after the histo is created? (trivial use case: a code saves the histo, another code makes the nice plotting)
Best regards,
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