Dear ROOT experts,
I am trying to use ipython as a convenient replacement for CINT, but somehow loading my root_logon.C file seems to block the Qt thread.
Simplified my looks like this
#!/bin/env ipython
import ROOT as r
# uncommenting this blocks TCanvas updates #r.gROOT.ProcessLine('.x ~/.root_logon.C')
When I execute this file and interactively enter
h = r.TH1D('h', '', 100, -10, 10)
h.Draw() h.FillRandom('gaus', 1000) h.Draw()
I do see the filled TH1. With the last line in my wrapper script uncommented I however need to click the canvas or issue a c1->Update() to update it.
Putting above commands in a file and running it interactively in ipython with
%run -i
does show the final, filled histogram in both cases.
How can I work around this issue to both load my root_logon.C file and keep TCanvases updating automatically?
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