> What I want to do is to throw C++ exceptions from my C++ ROOT code, and
> catch them in PyROOT.
that's fine, just throw any old exception, but preferably ones derived from std::exception b/c their what() can be called to transfer the error message. All C++ exceptions are turned into instances of Exception and can be caught.
For example:
% cat dothrow.C
#include <stdexcept>
void dothrow() {
throw std::runtime_error( "hey there!" ); }
% python
>>> import ROOT
>>> ROOT.gROOT.LoadMacro( 'dothrow.C+' )
Info in <TUnixSystem::ACLiC>: creating shared library /Users/wlav/./dothrow_C.so
>>> try:
... ROOT.dothrow() ... except Exception, e: ... error = e ...
Perhaps the translation should be finer grained (e.g. std::runtime_error could have been RuntimeError), but no-one's ever asked for that. :)
> ==============
> http://root.cern.ch/root/html/PyROOT__TPyException.html
> Purpose: A C++ exception class for throwing python exceptions
> through C++ code.
> ==============
The important bit is "through", rather than "from." TPyException is used to get _python_ exceptions through C++ back into python. For example, if a python callable is handed to a TF1 for plotting on a canvas, and the callable then raises. That raised exception (python) is turned into a thrown TPyException (C++), caught, and turned back into a python exception (which is no work, really, since it's already set, but the return value is what matters).
> Is there any tutorial of TPyException?
No: there's only one use that I'm aware of and that's deep inside PyROOT.
Best regards,
-- WLavrijsen_at_lbl.gov -- +1 (510) 486 6411 -- www.lavrijsen.netReceived on Wed May 04 2011 - 07:51:45 CEST
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