Hi ROOTers,
The histogram plotted using the following script does not fill h_QE correctly in the output ps file, but looks ok in interactive mode. Any suggestions?
ROOT 5.28/00a, Scientific Linux SLF release 5.4 (Lederman)
#!/usr/bin/env python
from ROOT import *
f = TFile('histos.root')
c1 = TCanvas("c1","c1",10,10,800,600)
gStyle.SetPalette(1) gStyle.SetOptStat(000) gStyle.SetFillColor(10) h_QE = f.Get("mcchkDetsimAna/fFLS_Ybj_QE") h_DIS = f.Get("mcchkDetsimAna/fFLS_Ybj_DIS") h_QE.SetLineColor(kBlue) h_QE.SetFillColor(kBlue) h_QE.SetFillStyle(3004) h_QE.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Y_{bj}") h_QE.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Events") h_QE.Draw()
legend.AddEntry(h_QE,"QE","f") legend.AddEntry(h_DIS,"DIS","l") legend.Draw()
c1.Print("Ybj-GENIE.ps") Received on Thu Jun 16 2011 - 04:49:39 CEST
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