Re: easy histogram disabling

From: Thiemo Nagel <>
Date: Fri, 1 Jul 2011 14:33:55 +0200

Dear Philippe, Axel,

many thanks for your comments and suggestions!

On 06/27/2011 06:39 PM, Philippe Canal wrote:
> For better or worse, this is not (and can not be) valid C++ code. In
> order to make the call to the Fill function (in particular because
> it is a virtual function), C++ requires dereference the pointer
> _before_ calling the function (because without this dereferencing it
> has _no_ way of knowing which function to call).

Thank you for pointing that out. I have used code like

MyObject::Bla() {

   if (!this) return;

before, but I guess it only worked back then, because the Bla() wasn't virtual.

I've settled now for a variant using macros:

#define DRAW(H, ...) do { if (H) H->Draw(__VA_ARGS__); } while (0) #define FILL(H, ...) do { if (H) H->Fill(__VA_ARGS__); } while (0)

Kind regards,

| Dipl.-Phys. Thiemo Nagel          |                          |
| Technische Universitaet Muenchen  | Room    PH1 3276         |
| Physik-Department E18             |                          |
| James-Franck-Strasse              | Phone  +49 89 289-12379  |
| D-85747 Garching                  | Fax    +49 89 289-12570  |
Received on Fri Jul 01 2011 - 14:34:02 CEST

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