Dear Aamer,
TFileCollection TFileCollection(const char* name = 0, const char* title = 0, const char* file = 0, Int_t nfiles = -1, Int_t firstfile = 1)
Dear ROOTers,
I was going through PROOF tutorial on Mac OS X (10.6.8). My root version is v5-28-00e
which went okay till page 30. The I started running into problems (I had the same problems on
problem 1:
root [0] TProof *p = TProof::Open("localhost")
Starting master: opening connection ...
Starting master: OK
Opening connections to workers: OK (4 workers)
Setting up worker servers: OK (4 workers)
PROOF set to parallel mode (4 workers)
root [1] TFileCollection *h1fc = new TFileCollection("","");
root [2] h1fc->Add("");
Error in <TFileCollection::Add>: directory
cannot be opened
problem 2:
I don't seem to have macro CreateFileCollection.C in $ROOTSYS and the subdirectories.
problem 3:
root [0] TProof *p = TProof::Open("localhost")
Starting master: opening connection ...
Starting master: OK
Opening connections to workers: OK (4 workers)
Setting up worker servers: OK (4 workers)
PROOF set to parallel mode (4 workers)
root [1] p->ClearPackages()
root [2] p->UploadPackage("event.par")
root [3] p->EnablePackage("event")
.... ... long error message ....
problem 4:
Could not find loadPackage.C or LoadPackage.C anywhere in $ROOTSYS
problem 5:
and no ../par/pythia8.par
I think I am badly messed up. Help needed.
Received on Sat Jul 16 2011 - 07:46:14 CEST
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