adding data to existing histogram

From: Sean TURNBULL <>
Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2011 12:43:47 +1000


I have a histogram - TH1F keMuon containing the spectrum of muon energy from a cosmic shower in MeV.

(TH1F* keMuon = new TH1F("keMuon", "keMuon", 200, 1e-3, 1e5)

keMuon.GetEntries() = 3.2E04

After the simulation is run, I get the muon flux (a number) which I would like to have on the y axis with energy as it is on the x axis.

Hence I would like to divide the y axis by the flux.

Possibly the best way would be be loop over the contents but I am unsure or the correct syntax for that or if there would be a better way.

Thanks! Received on Sun Jul 24 2011 - 04:43:53 CEST

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