TClonesArray and TTree

From: Vito Palladino <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 17:17:31 +0000

Dear Rooters,

I'm trying to store in a tree own objects that contains TConesArray. I followed the examples into the guide. My Event class has the member:

WFM* Event::AddWFM(){

TClonesArray &WFMs = *fWFMs;
WFM* waveform = new(WFMs[Nwfms++]) WFM(); return waveform;


It seems equal to the method used to fill the TClonesArray but when I try to use the class filling a TTree segmentation violation occurs.

Where I'm wrong?!

I'm using root 5.30/00.

Thank you for you help

    Vito Palladino Received on Wed Jul 27 2011 - 19:17:36 CEST

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