Hi Olivier,
Thanks for your reply. What exactly do you mean by a real log Axis? Do you mean saving a histogram as Energy rather than log Energy, then setting the canvas to log scale? That wouldn't do what I need because that would give me even bins in Energy, when I need even bins in log Energy. The only other option I could try is to calculate and set the bin limits manually.
You are using alphanumeric labels. SetNdivisions does not act on them. There are examples showing how to use alphameric labels in $ROOTSYS/tutorials/hist Have you tried to use real log Axis ? I suppose you did and you do not like the result.
On Sep 11, 2011, at 2:55 PM, Paul Miyagawa wrote:
Hi Eduard,
Thanks for your suggestion. I had tried it before (and again just now), but it still plots incorrectly.
-----Original Message-----
From: Eduard Avetisyan [mailto:Eduard.Avetisyan_at_desy.de]
Sent: 10 September 2011 21:35
To: Paul Miyagawa
Cc: roottalk_at_root.cern.ch<mailto:roottalk_at_root.cern.ch>
Subject: Re: [ROOT] Cannot force desired divisions using SetNdivisions
Hi Paul,
Try to plug it like in the modified example:
On Sat, 10 Sep 2011, Paul Miyagawa wrote:
I am trying to draw a histogram with the x-axis as log Energy ranging from 1e-15 MeV to 1e6 MeV (i.e., -15 to +6). I would like to have primary tick marks every 3 decades and secondary tick marks every decade. If I have calculated properly, I should SetNdivisions(307). However, no matter what I try I cannot force this; Root plots as if SetNdivisions(210). The following macro is a distillation of what I do:
TH1F *mhereg = new TH1F( "loge", "log Energy [MeV]", 210, -15, 6 );
mhereg->SetNdivisions( -307 );
TAxis *xhereg = mhereg->GetXaxis();
for (int i=-15; i<6; i+=3) {
char blabel[100];
sprintf( blabel, "10^{%d}", i );
xhereg->SetBinLabel( 1+10*(i+15), blabel );
xhereg = mhereg->GetXaxis();
xhereg->SetNdivisions( -307 );
The idea is to make the Ndivisions call AFTER having the histogram drawn. Just an idea...
I have tried many variations of SetNdivisions, including:
xhereg->SetNdivisions( -307 ); xhereg->SetNdivisions( 307, kFALSE ); xhereg->SetNdivisions( 7, 3, 0, kFALSE );
How can I force Root to give what I want? Thanks for any help.
Received on Mon Sep 12 2011 - 12:16:58 CEST
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