Re: problems build root on OSX against non-system python version

From: Chris Jones <>
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2011 19:30:05 +0100

On 14 Sep 2011, at 7:26pm, <> wrote:

> Chris,

>> We need to be able to set this to something else, like pythonN.M.

> but that is there, namely:
> ./configure
> --with-python-incdir=/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/include/python2.6
> --with-python-libdir=/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6 --enable-python
> the proper linkable in a framework is "Python" not a .dylib that happens to
> be there in some sub-directory of it (that is for older Macs when there was
> this distinction between .so and .dylib, which no longer is the case). I'd
> have to look up the proper Mac details, but the bottom line is that what you
> want to do can be done, just give the directory that Mac needs, not the
> directory that one would use for (old) Linuxes to find the libpythonx.y.a
> (which these days is only the case for p2.2 and some p2.3s anyway).

Read my previous posts. The problem is not with the lines above for the includes or libraries, but with commands like

 pythonvers=`python -c 'import sys; sys.stdout.write(sys.version[:3])'`

in the ./configure script that have a hardcode assumption that to run python the executable name is 'python'. I need to be able to change this, as well as the include and lib. So in effect run

 pythonvers=`<whatever-python-executable-name-I want> -c 'import sys; sys.stdout.write(sys.version[:3])'`

Unless I have missed it, there is no option in the configure script to change this ?


Received on Wed Sep 14 2011 - 20:30:11 CEST

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