On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 12:01 PM, Marc Escalier <> wrote:
> also "first" and "second" seem not to work :
> indeed :
> root [5] hiter(const class map<string,TH1*,less<string>,allocator<pair<const
> string,TH1*> > >::const_iterator)538905152
> -->proof that hiter was defined
hiter was actually defined on-the-fly, but doesn't carry all the
needed information.
IIRC, we usually disable this feature in Athena (so we have "hard crashes" earlier on)
you need to create a dictionary (CINT or Reflex) for the map<K,V>::const_iterator class and for the comparator function.
in Atlas, we have this helper template metafunction to define the
comparison operators:
used like this:
(so, for Reflex, as that's what ATLAS and CMS rely on instead of CINT...)
-s Received on Sun Nov 13 2011 - 12:38:57 CET
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