Thanks Axel that was exactly what I was looking for.
On Nov 22, 2011, at 2:20 PM, Axel Naumann wrote:
> Hi Andreas,
> use:
> Double_t val0 = ((TObjString*)d->At(0))->String().Atof();
> Cheers, Axel.
> Andreas Adelmann wrote on 11/22/2011 02:02 PM:
>> Hello I try to uses the Tokenizer on a TString
>> char line(CHRLEN);
>> .....
>> TString s(line);
>> TObjArray *d = s.Tokenize(TString(" "));
>> s contains floats (0.000034177 0.000074050 0.000136709 0.000233544
>> 0.000267721) with a spaces as delimiter.
>> d->Print() shows me that all my number are no in TObjString, as expected.
>> Collection name='TObjArray', class='TObjArray', size=128
>> TObjString = 0.000034177
>> ......
>> Now my plan was to use the Sting() function of TObjString and finally
>> convert them into Double_t in order to add the values to a histogram.
>> However I could not fin out how to convert d[i] -> TObjString or even
>> better d[i] -> Double_t.
>> Thanks for the help, Andreas
>> ------
>> Dr. sc. math. Andreas (Andy) Adelmann
>> Staff Scientist
>> Paul Scherrer Institut WLGB/132 CH-5232 Villigen PSI
>> Phone Office: xx41 56 310 42 33 Fax: xx41 56 310 31 91
>> Phone Home: xx41 62 891 91 44
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> Thursdays: ETH CAB H 83.1 +41 44 632 36 72
>> ============================================
>> The more exotic, the more abstract the knowledge,
>> the more profound will be its consequences.
>> Leon Lederman
>> ============================================
Dr. sc. math. Andreas (Andy) Adelmann
Staff Scientist
Paul Scherrer Institut WLGB/132 CH-5232 Villigen PSI
Phone Office: xx41 56 310 42 33 Fax: xx41 56 310 31 91
Phone Home: xx41 62 891 91 44
Thursdays: ETH CAB H 83.1 +41 44 632 36 72
The more exotic, the more abstract the knowledge,
the more profound will be its consequences.
Leon Lederman
Received on Tue Nov 22 2011 - 15:20:05 CET