
From: Nicolas Produit <>
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2011 09:50:02 +0100


I am fitting a function that has some symmetry to be specific:
Double_t fitval = par[0]*(1 +
par[1]*TMath::Cos((2.*TMath::Pi()/180.)*(x[0]-par[2]))); you can see that solution with par[1]<0 are identical to solution with par[1]>0 but par[2]=par[2]+90
par[2] is also 180 degree periodic so fitter sometimes find solution in periods.
I tried without success to tell the fitter to avoid par[1]<0 solutions. (TF1: setparameterlimit)

Anyway, I can normalize by hand the final solution to the "canonical one". I want the canonical solution to be displayed as the result of the fit.

I find no way to convince root to show my canonical solution in the fit result box. I can do a TF1 set Parameters() on the fit result function but it seems that the fit box insist to display the original fit values.

Can you tell me how to achieve this?


Nicolas Produit
ISDC, Data Centre for Astrophysics   Phone:+41 22 379 2140
16, Chemin d'Ecogia                  Fax:  +41 22 379 2133
CH-1290 Versoix                      www:
Received on Thu Dec 01 2011 - 09:50:09 CET

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