Possible to use multiple Slots

From: Georg Troska <georg.troska_at_uni-dortmund.de>
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2011 12:40:23 +0100

Hi ROOTers,

We are using a measurement program, that is built on top of the ROOT-library. It worked very well so far. Since the last version update of root and/or gcc something is different than before. I haven't reproduced the error in a simple script, but I'm working on it.

Currently it seems, that I cannot "Connect" more than one Slot to a Signal. The first and second slot is executed, but the jump back to the place in the program, where the signal was initiated does not work, when using more than one slot.

Might it be that something here has changed?

When I understand this more precisely I can send an example program

Georg Received on Fri Dec 09 2011 - 12:40:30 CET

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