Re: Possible to use multiple Slots

From: Georg Troska <>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 17:06:30 +0100

Hello Betrand,

thank you very much for your responds. I was able to create a simple script, showing the error:

slot.h contains a sender class and two receiver classes. slottest.cxx contains an executable main-routine

I recognized, that the "send(Int_t)" signal works in all cases. "sendData(Data*)" works only with one receiver class. When omitting r2 the output is:

Hello World
Created sender
Created RecA
Receiving data in RecA: 123/234
omitting r1 works analogue, but when using both receivers I get:
Hello World
Created sender
Created RecA
Created RecB
Receiving data in RecA: 123/234

 *** Break *** segmentation violation

There was a crash.
This is the entire stack trace of all threads:


I'm really sure, it worked before. I'm not sure if the signal slot mechanism should be used with multiple slots - but why not...? For me it seems that the process seems to forget the position in memory, where to jump back. I also recognized, that the same example scripted in CINT works! 

Hope you have an idea, thank you very much


Am 12.12.2011 um 11:41 schrieb Bertrand Bellenot:

> Hi Georg,
> I don't see any problem connecting several slots to one signal. So if you can provide a simple running example, that would help to understand where the problem comes from.
> Cheers, Bertrand.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf Of Georg Troska
> Sent: 09 December 2011 12:40
> To:
> Cc: Stephan von Kleist
> Subject: [ROOT] Possible to use multiple Slots
> Hi ROOTers,
> We are using a measurement program, that is built on top of the ROOT-library. It worked very well so far. Since the last version update of root and/or gcc something is different than before. I haven't reproduced the error in a simple script, but I'm working on it.
> Currently it seems, that I cannot "Connect" more than one Slot to a Signal. The first and second slot is executed, but the jump back to the place in the program, where the signal was initiated does not work, when using more than one slot.
> Might it be that something here has changed?
> When I understand this more precisely I can send an example program
> Thanks
> Georg
  • application/octet-stream attachment: slot.h
Received on Mon Dec 12 2011 - 17:06:37 CET

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