Root 5.32/00, GCC 4.6.2, Debian GNU/Linux, x86.
I'm trying to migrate some TTree producing code from rootcint to Reflex dictionaries. When I try to read some old file produced by the rootcint-based code using the Reflex version of the code I get some warnings and some errors. If only rootcint dictionaries or only Reflex ones are used for both producing and consuming there is no problem.
The classes in question inherit from TObject. For the Reflex-based version the ClassImp() is not included and when reading I call Cintext::Enable() before loading the Reflex dictionaries into ROOT.
Is this mixing that I'm attempting supported?
The warnings have to do with Rtypes apparently changing into plain old data types. For example:
Int_t fMode; //
int fMode; //
The error is that apparently a "TClonesArray*" is changed to a "TClonesArray".
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