Re: ROOT is ignoring login settings ...

From: Gerardo Ganis <>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 08:54:51 +0100


    You should explain a bit more what you are trying to do.     If the 'rootd' attempt is the one setup by PROOF then you have to you more details about how you did set it up,

    because by default it should not ask you for authentication.

    The alternative minimal setup is to have simple xrootd running on each machine, with a configuration file like

all.adminpath /nottmp/xrootd-admin
all.export /sw/pool/proofbox


               xrootd -c

    This will serve on port 1094 data from directories under /sw/pool/proofbox .

    You can also glue together these into a real xrootd cluster, so that your machines become a sort of storage

    element. That's a bit more advanced and requires to start and additional daemon.

    G. Ganis

On 3/9/12 8:24 PM, Antonio Augusto Alves Junior wrote:
> ok, thanks.
> Please could you give some direction on how to serve as same time
> proof and files using the xroord ?
> Thanks agains
> A,A
> On 09-03-2012 19:04, Gerardo Ganis wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The error message is wrong, check the output of
>> TAuthenticate::GetAuthInfo()->Print()
>> and you should see that the username used for UsrPwd is 'alvesan'.
>> But it fails, so you should check on the server side why.
>> This said, I really discourage you to develop a solution with
>> 'rootd' as server. It is not really maintained
>> any longer and there is nothing that cannot be done with a simple
>> 'xrootd' server.
>> G. Ganis
>> On 2/23/12 6:18 PM, Antonio Augusto Alves Junior wrote:
>>> Dear Rooters,
>>> Root seems be ignoring the login settings to access remote files
>>> served by rootd. Please have a look at the below lines:
>>> root [0] TAuthenticate::SetGlobalUser("alvesan") ;
>>> root [1]
>>> TFile::Open("rootd://")
>>> Info in <TAuthenticate::Authenticate>: failure: list of
>>> attempted methods: UsrPwd
>>> Error in <TAuthenticate::Authenticate>: no such user (last error
>>> only; re-run with gDebug > 0 for more details)
>>> Error in <Authenticate>: authentication failed for
>>> Error in <TPSocket::Authenticate>: authentication attempt failed
>>> for
>>> Error in <TFTP::TFTP>: can't open connection to rootd on host
>>> at port 1094
>>> Info in <TAuthenticate::Authenticate>: failure: list of
>>> attempted methods: UsrPwd
>>> Error in <TAuthenticate::Authenticate>: no such user (last error
>>> only; re-run with gDebug > 0 for more details)
>>> Error in <Authenticate>: authentication failed for
>>> Error in <TPSocket::Authenticate>: authentication attempt failed
>>> for
>>> Error in <TNetFile::TNetFile>: can't open connection to rootd on
>>> host at port 1094
>>> Error in <TNetFile::Create>: authentication attempt unsuccessful
>>> Error in <TNetFile::Create>: failing on file
>>> rootd://
>>> (class TFile*)0x0
>>> Here is the .rootrc in my $HOME
>>> Rootd.Authentication 0
>>> UsrPwd.Login: alvesan
>>> Please, someone could help me?
>>> Thanks
>>> A.A.
> --
> "O mais corrente neste mundo, nestes tempos em que às cegas vamos tropeçando, é esbarrarmos, ao virar a esquina mais próxima, com homens e mulheres na maturidade da existência e da prosperidade, que, tendo sido aos dezoito anos briosos revolucionários decididos a arrasar o sistema dos pais e pôr no seu lugar o paraíso, enfim, da fraternidade, se encontram agora, com firmeza pelo menos igual, repoltreados em convicções e práticas que, depois de haverem passado por qualquer das muitas versões do conservadorismo moderado, acabaram por desembocar no mais desbocado e reaccionário egoísmo. Em palavras não tão cerimoniosas, estes homens e estas mulheres, diante do espelho da sua vida, cospem todos os dias na cara do que foram o escarro do que são."
> José Saramago, em Ensaio sobre a lucidez
> =============================================
> A. Augusto Alves Jr.
> Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Sezione di Roma
> c/o Dipartimento di Fisica -
> Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
> P.le Aldo Moro, 2 - 00185 Roma - Italy
> tel.: 00 39 06 49914229

   Gerardo GANIS    CERN, PH Dept, SFT group, CH 1211 Geneve 23
                    room: 32-RC-017, tel: +41 22 7676439
                    email:, fax: +41 22 7669133
Received on Mon Mar 12 2012 - 08:55:01 CET

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