avoid histogram to cover axis ticks

From: Pietro Govoni <Pietro.Govoni_at_mib.infn.it>
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2012 11:40:59 +0200

Dear Rooters,

I am plotting a filled tgraph, as the one in the small snippet here below, and I would like it not to cover the axis ticks, as it happens in the small example in fact. How can I obtain that?

Thank you very much, best regards,


TGraph p ;

p.SetPoint (0,1,0) ;
p.SetPoint (1,2,0) ;
p.SetPoint (2,2,2) ;
p.SetPoint (3,1,2) ;
p.SetPoint (4,1,0) ;

TCanvas c1 ;
c1.DrawFrame (1,-1 ,2, 3) ;
p.SetFillColor (kRed) ;
p.Draw ("F") ;

Received on Sat Apr 28 2012 - 11:41:10 CEST

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