Question About TSystem

From: Omar Andrés Zapata Mesa <>
Date: Wed, 2 May 2012 18:39:36 -0500

hello routers.
I create a class that inherits from TSystem and I want create an executable from a given source (ex. an mpi code that have ROOT objects) This new executable will be executed by mpirun but when I use  CompileMacro<>() it produces a dynamic library.

I try to generate an executable using
fMakeExe<>  in SetMakeSharedLib<>() and SetMakeExe<> ()
but it dont work, it produces again a library.

can CompileMacro<>() create an executable to run without root interpreter?

Some Suggestion?

Omar Andres Zapata Mesa
Fundamental Interaction Phenomenology Gruop (Gfif)
Head Developer
Gfif Developers (Gfif Dev)
Division of computer science
System Engineering Student
Universidad de Antioquia At Medellin - Colombia
Usuario Linux  #490962
Received on Thu May 03 2012 - 01:40:28 CEST

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