RooAbsPdf::getVal() returning values greater than 1. Is it correct ?

From: Antonio Augusto Alves Junior <>
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2012 17:43:46 +0200

    Dear Rooters,

    I would like to know how can I get the value of a fitted pdf at a     certain point.

    I am using the piece of code bellow :

         RooRealVar* x    = ws->var("x");
         RooAbsPdf* model = ws->pdf("model");
         RooArgSet obs(*x) ;
         x->setVal( x_i) ;
         Double_t weight = model->getVal( &obs ) ;

    where "ws" is my RooWorkSpace and "x" my observable. First I fit     the PDF and after when I Iterate over all x_i values in the x's     range, sometimes it produces values greater than 1 !!!!

    Please can someone help me?

    A.A. Received on Wed Jun 13 2012 - 17:43:52 CEST

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