Re: find object help

From: Fons Rademakers (
Date: Mon Feb 17 1997 - 19:25:32 MET

Jacek M. Holeczek wrote:
> Hi,
> A small note - some time ago there were notes about ROOT extentions to C++
> somewhere on the root www page - in "C++ Coding Conventions" I think.
> Now I cannot find it any more. Are they moved, or are they lost ?

They are at the bottom of this page:

> Another point - is there somewhere a postscript version of the "Taligent
> rules" ?

No, not that I know of (You can always buy the book.

> My real questions are here.
> I need to write a small event unpacking function in form :
>   ...
>   if ( exists_histogram_with_name_EventLength ) EventLength->Fill(...);
>   ...
>   if ( exists_histogram_with_name_RawCamac0 ) RawCamac0->Fill(...);
>   ...
>   if ( exists_ntuple_with_name_MiniNtuple ) MiniNtuple->Fill(...);
>   ...
> What I need are pieces of code "exists_histogram_with_name_..." and
> "exists_ntuple_with_name_..." :
>         1. both "search_routines" should scan ONLY the MEMORY in "current"
>            subdirectory for a certain histogram/ntuple - this makes the
>            problem that if the user has opened a file, the gDirectory
>            points to that file -> is there a way to get the LAST path
>            which was used in memory ( RAM ) ? ( In worst case I could assume
>            that all histograms/ntuples are allowed to exist in gROOT only. )

Use pointers to the objects instead of trying to find them by name
That is, look for them once (assuming they come from file) using either
gFile->Get("EventLength") (searches whole file) or
(searches only the directory).

>         2. It would be good to check both that an object with the given
>            name exists ( "EventLength", "RawCamac0", "MiniNtuple" ), and
>            that it belongs to proper class ( "TH1S", "TNtuple" ).
>            In case the TNtuple is too pure, I might switch to TTree with
>            one branch ( in this case I would have to chect whether the branch
>            exists and contains proper leafs - or maybe I should simply get an
>            address of a leaf with a particular name independent of where
>            it actualy "hangs" ).

Use the TObject::IsA() member function to check if an object is of the
expected class:

if (!strcmp(obj->IsA()->GetName(), "TH1S")) {
   // we have a THIS object...


or, much faster (all inline):

if (obj->IsA() == TH1S::Class()) {
   // we have a TH1S object...


>         3. both routines should be very fast - assuming that I need to
>            fill 2000 (raw) histograms I would like to be able to analyze
>            2000 events/second, thus such a "search" should work faster then
>            4e6 times per second ( God, am I stupid ? )

Use as much as possible direct access to all object via pointers.

>         4. maybe I should simply forget these "if (..)" and simply Fill(...)
>            histograms/ntuples, and if they don't exist, they will not be
>            created/filled ( hopefully this will behave quietly ).

You'll need some object to fill.

-- Fons.

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