Re: Drawing several TGraph obj's in one TPad ?

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Wed Feb 26 1997 - 12:47:07 MET

Matthias Vitt wrote:
> How do I draw in one TPad object more than one TGraph objects. Right now
> if I just add second graph, the second graph hides the first one. So if
> I print the Pad's contens to an PS-file one can see, only one graph but
> under it , the labeling of the other graph shines through (if it has a
> different one). What I want to do is: Drawing several graphs in the pad
> but having only one set of axis labels.

For the first graph (say gr1) do:
   gr1->Draw("ALP);//compute axis/frame and draw with a line and markers
For the other graphs

Rene Brun

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