Updating a TTree

From: Laurent Mirabito (mirabito@in2p3.fr)
Date: Wed Apr 30 1997 - 11:23:48 MEST


I got the following problem:

I create a Tree with an Event branch, each Event contains 2 lists
of histograms
    1 List of raw data histogram
    1 List of data corrected histogram

I first read raw data binary and create a file containing events
with only the first list filled.

I then read this ROOT file and I want to update my file with the second 
list filled.

I just tried to open the file in UPDATE mode and added a call to 
Tree->Fill() after the processing of each event and it crashed.

Is it possible to do this or do I have to create a new Tree ?

	Thanks in advance for the answer
	Laurent Mirabito

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