Re: stat box, TPave with log scale, include with CINT

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Wed May 14 1997 - 11:33:41 MEST

Otto Schaile wrote:
> Dear roots,
> here a few questions:
> - how can one switch off/on drawing of the statistics box for histos
>   (in a macro)
      to switch off the stat box
  Root > gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
      to switch off the title
  Root > gStyle->SetOptTitle(0)

These two commands can be placed in your rootlogon.C file.
You can also disable these two options via the Canvas toolbar menu.

> - TPaveLabel in Pads (histos) with log scale are ?? difficult ?? to place

I agree. 
You can try
  Root > pl = new TPaveLabel(x0,y0,x1,y1,"label","brNDC")

The NDC (Normalized Device Coordinate) means that the specified
coordinates x0,y0,x1,y1 are given in the pad NDC system [0,1]
You are independent of the lin/log scale.
I have modified the graphics editor in the new version in such a way
that all TPave (or derived classes) objects are correctly drawn
in lin or log scales.

> - compiling with c++ needs e.g. #include <TFile.h>, when using the
>   same code with CINT it complains not to find TFile.h (off course it
>   doesnt need it). How can I avoid changing the code?

You can insert your includes in a ifndef directive.
The __CINT__ is recognized by the CINT interpreter.

#ifndef __CINT__
#include <TFile.h>
// macro

> (I apologize if I didnt read the doc carefuly enough)
This should be better documented anyhow.

Rene Brun

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