Re: TCanvas::Divide

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Wed Jun 04 1997 - 08:22:58 MEST

Pasha Murat wrote:
>         When canvas "page" is divided into several regions (pads),
> the pads are defined as a set of simple variables with their names being
> "page_1", "page_2" etc. A typical task which uses division of a canvas
> consists in filling a set(usually - array) of histograms plotting them.
> Suppose one has filled an array of histograms:  TH1F* hist[8];
> and has divided a canvas into 8 pads         :  page->Divide(2,4);
> Is there a simple way to plot histograms in a loop with each histogram placed
> on its own pad? To the moment it seems to me to be kind of cumbersome
> operation.
> Alternatively one could think of creating an array of pads, for example
> "page_pad[2][4]" or "page_pad[8]" when dividing a canvas. This would
> allow to loop over the pads.

One of the possible solutions is shown in this macro:
   TCanvas *page = new TCanvas("page");
   TH1F *h[8];
   char padname[20];
   for (Int_t i=0;i<8;i++) {
      TPad *pad = (TPad*)page->GetPrimitive(padname);

We could also implement functions like:
   TPad::cd(Int_t i)
   TPad::cd(Int_t i, Int_t j)
Using the first function, the example above will become:

   TCanvas *page = new TCanvas("page");
   TH1F *h[8];
   for (Int_t i=0;i<8;i++) {

Rene Brun

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