Re: line width in ps files

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Wed Jun 18 1997 - 16:51:33 MEST

Wolfgang Korsch wrote:
>     Hi,
>      I have the problem that any linewidth but the standard one does
>      not get accepted by postscript.
>      I have hists and I change the linewidth by clicking on the hists
>      and using the SetLineAttributes option. The line gets changed in my
>      canvas, but when I save that as a ps file, the linewidths get
>      reset.
>      Any suggestions?

I cannot reproduce this problem.
Note that a linewidth=4 will draw a tick line on the screen and you may not notice
the difference with PostScript if you print on a high resolution printer.
Just to check, try to set teh linewidth=20 and let me know.
>      Also: I would like to plot data points with errors and I use
>            the option 'gr' and TGraphErrors. This way the displayed
>            graph does scale the frame properly. Some of my error bars
>            are displayed in a way that they exceed the frame.
>            Is there an easy way to preset the scale of my x and y axis?

A problem in computing the right scale has been fixed in version 1.01.
You can set the plot scale by creating an empty 2-d histogram :
  Root > h2 = new TH2F("h2","",2,xmin,ymin,2,xmax,ymax);
  Root > h2->Draw();
  Root > graph->Draw("lp"); //do not specify option "a"

Rene Brun

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