Re: plotting user functions

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue Jul 01 1997 - 10:33:41 MEST

Wouter Hulsbergen wrote:
> Dear ROOT people,
> I have written the following code
>   {
>   #include <math.h>
>   float distribution(float pt, float pbar)
>   {
>     float pzbar = sqrt(pbar*pbar-pt*pt) ;
>     float Norm = 1. ;
>     return (pbar*pt/2* (pbar*pzbar + pt*pt*log(pbar+pzbar))
>       - pt/3 * pzbar*pzbar*pzbar - pt*pt*pt * pzbar) /Norm ;
>   };
>   int main()
>   {
>     float pbar = 4. ;
>     TF1 func("func","distribution(x,pbar)",0,pbar) ;
>     func.Draw();
>   }
>   }
> which I want to use to plot the `distribution' function, using
>   root> .L distrib.C ;
>   root> main();
> However, this doesn't work because
>     Unknown name : "distribution(x,pbar)"
> although the function `distribution' is known. Can I use user
> defined functions in a TF1 or TFormula definition?
> Regards, Wouter.

The class TF1 supports several constructors:
  - constructor where you pass the function as one single string.
       "sin(x)/x"  ,   "[0]*x/sin([1]*x)"
  - constructor where you pass a pointer to a function
    of type double(double*x, double*params)

I have modified your macro to use the second and more general form:
// macro wouter
  double distribution(double *x, double *par)
    double pbar  = par[0];
    double pt    = x[0];
    double pzbar = sqrt(pbar*pbar-pt*pt) ;
    float Norm   = 1. ;
    return (pbar*pt/2* (pbar*pzbar + pt*pt*log(pbar+pzbar))
      - pt/3 * pzbar*pzbar*pzbar - pt*pt*pt * pzbar) /Norm ;
  int main()
    double pbar = 4. ;
    TF1 *func = new TF1("func",distribution,0,pbar,1) ;
To execute this macro:
 Root > .L wouter.C
 Root > main()

Note that in your original macro, you add an additional problem>
Your TF1 object func was automatically deleted when exiting
from the scope of main(). You should create the TF1 object via new.

Rene Brun

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