Re: How to draw a list of histograms

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue Jul 01 1997 - 17:12:19 MEST

> Hi,
> I need to draw on a Pad (using the Divide(..) method some of the TH1Fs
> of a big file (about 3 Mb).
> Well, my difficulty is that all my TH1Fs are stored in the form hxyzt
> KEY: TH1F     h50418;1        PHI  4 PL 3 A
>   KEY: TH1F     h50419;1        PHI  4 PL 4 A
>   KEY: TH1F     h50420;1        PHI  4 PL 5 A
>   KEY: TH1F     h50421;1        PHI  5 PL 1 A
>   KEY: TH1F     h50422;1        PHI  5 PL 2 A
>   KEY: TH1F     h50423;1        PHI  5 PL 3 A
>   KEY: TH1F     h50424;1        PHI  5 PL 4 A
>   KEY: TH1F     h50425;1        PHI  5 PL 5 A
>   KEY: TH1F     h50426;1        PHI  6 PL 1 A
> So I can't use an array of TH1F like i read in the reply that Rene Brun
> wrote to Pasha Murat suggesting a prog like this:
> 1.{
> 2.   gROOT->Reset();
> 3.   TFile f("~/root/histos/test.root");
> 4.   TCanvas *page = new TCanvas("page");
> 5.   page->Divide(2,4);
> 6.  TH1F *h[9];
> 7.   char padname[20];
> 8.   for(Int_t i=0;i<8;i++){
> 9.     sprintf(padname,"page_%d",i+1);
> 10.     TPad *pad = (TPad*) page->GetPrimitive(padname);
> 11.     pad->cd();
> 12.     h[i]->Draw();
> 13.   }
> 14.}
> Anyway when I run this prog the CINT says:
> Error: illegal pointer to class object pad 0x0 77  FILE:divide.c LINE:11
> Error: illegal pointer to class object h[i] 0x0 155  FILE:divide.c
> LINE:12
> Can u tell me how to draw my TH1Fs?
> And the GetPrimitive(..) method does?
> Many thanks, Luca Sfarzo

The following macro illustrates how to loop on a list
of histograms (h50418 --> h50426)
   TFile f("~/root/histos/test.root");
   TCanvas *page = new TCanvas("page");
   TH1F *h;
   char padname[20];
   char hname[20];
   for(Int_t i=0;i<8;i++){
     TPad *pad = (TPad*) page->GetPrimitive(padname);
     h = (TH1F*)f.Get(hname);

The following macro illustrates how to loop on the list
of keys in the current file using an iterator.
key name is the histogram name.
   TFile f("~/root/histos/test.root");
   TCanvas *page = new TCanvas("page");
   TH1F *h;
   char padname[20];
   TIter next(f.GetListOfKeys());
   TKey *key;
   i = 0;
   while (key=(TKey*)next()) {
     TPad *pad = (TPad*) page->GetPrimitive(padname);
     h = (TH1F*)f.Get(key->GetName());

Rene Brun

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