Getting ROOT to release its hold on a macro file after a ".X" command

From: Gordon Watts (Brown University) (
Date: Tue Oct 14 1997 - 17:30:51 MEST

  I'm developing a macro for root. I write it, I want to run it, edit it,
run it again, etc. To run it I'm using the ".X" command: ".X
make_root_from_greg.c("test_file.root")" Currently the file is a dummy.
After that worked, I modified the file but found I could not save it: it
appears that ROOT is maintaining a lock on the file.
  I tried the .U (unload) command but it always gave an error that the file
was not loaded. gROOT->Reset(); didn't seem to work either. And ".reset"
errors saying "Sorry, cannot reset interpreter".

  I'm running 1.03/04 on WindowsNT 4.0 (Service Pack 3). At the moment I
have to restart root each time I alter the macro file. Yuck. Any help would
be great!


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