Fatal in <operator new>: storage exhausted

From: William J Deninger (deninger@uiuc.edu)
Date: Sun Oct 19 1997 - 08:15:17 MEST

Hello again,

I've run into another snag and was wondering if anyone out there in root
land could help.  I've compiled a class which allocates a few arrays of
Double_t on MS Visual C++ with root and I've started getting the
following error messages upon class instantiation:

root [0] CEOM test;
Fatal in <operator new>: storage exhausted
Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class TWinNTSystem
Warning in <TWinNTSystem::StackTrace>: this method must be overridden!

---> followed by message box "abnormal termination"... etc

The code constructor looks like:
 q = 1.60217733e-19;
 m = 9.1093897e-31;
 qom = q/m;
 rpos = new Double_t[20000];
 zpos = new Double_t[20000];
 tpos = new Double_t[20000];

This seems to run find from the CInt command line when typed line by
line, but crushes root when I have it compiled with the rest root
classes.  I have 64MB running WintNT with plenty availiable according to
the tast manager.  And 60k doubles really doesn't amount to any
significant memory demands anyway.  Any clues?

William J. Deninger

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