Re: Images

From: Kenneth Gibbs (
Date: Wed Dec 03 1997 - 19:19:41 MET

> O'NEEL Bruce wrote:
> > Hi,
> >   After poking around with the root class list, I'm not sure I see any
> > classes which work with images.  Since on one level images can be viewd
> > as 2d histograms, I've been trying to get TH2F to work, but, haven't
> > been sucessful.  Can someone point me in the right direction, or, does
> > ROOT not quite do images yet.
> >
> > Thanks, and sorry if this is a silly question.
> >
> > bruce
>   Not a silly question.
> Root does not have classes to do image processing.
> You can use TH2F and use a 2-d cell to represent a pixel, but this is not
> image processing.
> We would be happy to include image processing classes if somebody
> has already some material or a pointer to some public domain classes
> doing the job.
> Rene Brun

	Regarding image processing, I noticed the following software which
includes class definitions at:

	Here is the page at the above URL ... might be worth taking a peek
at to see whether this would be suitable.


	Ken Gibbs

%I have made some software available. Feedback on the code is appreciated. Other software available is Clippoly, an algorithm to clip
%two polygons, and http_forward, a daemon to forward http requests. 
%Cppima is a C++ library designed for image processing. A description is available, describing the library. Also is a gzipped tar file
%uuencoded version is available, containing the code as well as TexInfo style documentation. The library does not perform any image
%processing on its own; it only allows easy generation of image processing programs. It can be used in conjunction with different
%image processing systems, including ScilImage 1.3 and Khoros. 
%Recently, code has been donated by Dean Brettle <> to handle pgm style images. 
%Also the library has been extended to handle RGB byte images. 
%These changed are not yet incorporated in the standard distribution, but this should happen in the near future. 

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