Answer to ifstream and makecint question

From: Masaharu Goto (
Date: Sun Jan 04 1998 - 15:22:00 MET


I received following questions from users before new year holiday.
I'm sorry for delay in reply.

It looks like both case work fine on my site. I need detail information
if the reporters still have problems.

>Dear Masaharu Goto,
>I'm trying to use makecint to add a large graphics library to CINT. Some
>of the functions have as many as 12 parameters. When some of the
>functions are called, the parameters are all zeros. I found this by
>at the program with the debugger. The environment is MSVC 4.0 under
>NT 4.0. Can you tell me why some of the functions don't get the correct
>parameter values?
>Here is one of the functions:
>extern Lightsource * spotlight_create (float  x, float  y, float  z,
>float  to_x, float  to_y, float  to_z, float  fov, float  red, float
>grn, float  blu, int     type, bool    shadows);
>Ron King

 I tried this

/* ron1.h ************************************************************/
typedef int Lightsource ;
extern Lightsource * spotlight_create (float  x, float  y, float  z,
float  to_x, float  to_y, float  to_z, float  fov, float  red, float
grn, float  blu, int     type, bool    shadows);

/* ron1.C ************************************************************/
#include <iostream.h>
#include "ron1.h"

Lightsource * spotlight_create (float  x, float  y, float  z,
float  to_x, float  to_y, float  to_z, float  fov, float  red, float
grn, float  blu, int     type, bool    shadows) {
  cout << "x = " << x << endl; ;
  cout << "y = " << y << endl; ;
  cout << "z = " << z << endl; ;
  cout << "to_x = " << to_x << endl; ;
  cout << "to_y = " << to_y << endl; ;
  cout << "to_z = " << to_z << endl; ;
  cout << "fov = " << fov << endl; ;
  cout << "red = " << red << endl; ;
  cout << "grn = " << grn << endl; ;
  cout << "blu = " << blu << endl; ;
  cout << "type = " << type << endl; ;
  cout << "shadows = " << shadows << endl; ;
  return ((int*)NULL);

/* COMMAND LINE on Linux */

  $  makecint -dl ron1.dll -mk makeron1 -H ron1.h -C++ ron1.C
  $  make -f makeron1
  $  cint ron1.dll
  cint> p spotlight_create(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,1,0)
  x = 1
  y = 2

 So, it is working as it should. Will you debug into G__cpp_ron1.C file
for more detail? Or just looking into that file may give you some idea.

> The little function given below is supposed to 
> read some file names from a list (and later chain the 
> corresponding files in root) 
> The reading of the list works fine if compiled 
> outside root but when loaded in root and 
> run from the intepreter root crashes ! 
> A bug or just my C++/root  ignorance ? 
> Here the function : 
>#include <fstream.h>
>#include <iostream.h>
>void FileChain(const char *filename=0)
>  char Buf[256];
>  char c;
>  ifstream  List(filename);
>  if (!List){  cerr << " cannot open " << filename ; }
>  else {  
>    while(List.get(Buf,256,'\n'))
>  {  cout << Buf << '\n' ; 
>          if (List.get(c) && c!='\n') { cout << "error : line truncated" ;}  
>      }
>  }

I tried above program on Linux and it worked fine on interpreter. Will you
tell me your computer platform and version of the interpreter?

Masaharu Goto

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