Re: problem with multiplying TVectors by TMatrices

From: Fons Rademakers (
Date: Mon Jan 05 1998 - 19:59:48 MET

Hi Pasha,

   the function:

   friend TVector operator*(TMatrix &m, TVector &v)

is not implemented. Since this kind of operators need to
return an object instead of a reference they are quite
expensive. In your case do something like this:

TVector a(2), b(2);
TMatrix m(2,2);

// init a and m

b = a;
b *= m;

Cheers, Fons.

PS: check the $ROOTSYS/test/vvector.cxx and vmatrix.cxx
    programs to see what is possible with vectors and matrices.

PS2: I've still to verify what happens in the interpreter (why there
     is no explicit message)

Pasha Murat wrote:
>         Hello,
> I just tried to multiply TVector by TMatrix:
> ---------------------------------------- test.C
> {
>   TVector a(2);
>   a(0) = 1.;
>   a(1) = 2.;
>   cout << " ---------------------------------------- vector a: "; a.Print();
>   TMatrix m(2,2);
>   m(0,0) = 2.;
>   m(1,1) = 2.;
>   cout << "  ---------------------------------------- matrix m: "; m.Print();
>   TVector b(2);
>   b = m*a;
>   cout << "  ---------------------------------------- vector b = m*a: ";b.Print();
>   b = a*m;
>   cout << " ----------------------------------------  vector b = a*m: ";b.Print();
> }
> -------------------------------------------
> with the following result (see below), which shows that `b' is not being
> defined.
>                 Am I missing something?
>                                                 Thanks, Pasha.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> root [2] .x test.C
>  ---------------------------------------- vector a:
> Vector 2 is as follows
>      |        1  |
> ------------------
>    0 |          1
>    1 |          2
>   ---------------------------------------- matrix m:
> Matrix 2x2 is as follows
>      |        0  |        1  |
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>    0 |          2           0
>    1 |          0           2
>   ---------------------------------------- vector b = m*a:
> Vector 2 is as follows
>      |        1  |
> ------------------
>    0 |          0
>    1 |          0
>  ----------------------------------------  vector b = a*m:
> Vector 2 is as follows
>      |        1  |
> ------------------
>    0 |          0
>    1 |          0
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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