Re: multiple inheritance

From: Fons Rademakers (rdm)
Date: Wed Jan 28 1998 - 23:02:39 MET

Hi Selim,

   just make sure that class A is also mentioned in LinkDef.h file for
export to the interpreter. ClasDef/ClassImp is not needed for dictionary
generation (it is needed for linking ROOT meta class system to the
CINT dictionaries so you can use ROOT RTTI etc.).

Cheers, Fons.
> Dear all,
> I have the following problem:
> 1) I have a >class A<, which is a baseclass and does not inherit from
>    TObject in anyway -- it just doesnt need to.
>    This class compiles well to an object file.
> 2) >class B< is a class, that has inherited from TObject.
>    This class complies well to a .o and a .so file 
> 3) I now want to construct a >class C<, which inherits from >class A< and
>    from >class B<.
>    therefor I advise the linker to link the object file of >class A< into 
>    the .so file of >class C<
>    -> finally everything compiles/links and I get my .so file
> Rem: >class B< and >class C< were constructed as it was required in the
> manual -> ClassImp/Classdef
> So far, so good,.. I now load >class C< into root, and can even create
> Objects with this type,.. I can access members of >class B< --> but
> members of >class A< are not known to root,..
> Is there a way to solve this? I cant let >class A< inherit from TObject,
> as a ambiguity arises in >class C<,..
> Best Regards
> Selim
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