
From: rene Scholte (
Date: Fri Mar 06 1998 - 13:35:05 MET


I've got a problem with the browser.
In root I load the famous event.root with TFile f("event.root');
and then i make a browser : TBrowser b;  .

now I can scan for instance the eventnumber by rightclicking on the event
folder (in the left pane) and selecting the option scan, with varexp  =
fEvtHdr.fEvtNum. This works perfectly.

But now i want to scan inside ftracks.

I tried right-clicking on event, selecting scan with varexp = fTracks.fPx,
but al he gives back are zeros.

the same when I try to scan by right-clicking on ftracks.

So does anybody know how to view for instance fPx or fBx or any other
datamember of the TClonesArray ftracks with the browser ?

thanx in advance,

Rene Scholte

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