Converting large hbook files caused warning in h2root. Should I worry?

From: Gordon Watts (Brown University) (
Date: Wed Mar 11 1998 - 22:56:35 MET

  I ran h2root on a large ntuple file. At the end of the file it printed out
the below error message. Shoudl I worry? Initial inspection of the resulting
file makes me think the translation happened ok...


*Branch  :Lp_jet    : Lp_jet[Npjet]/I
*Entries :       10 : Total  Size =         0 bytes  File Size  =          0
bytes *
*Baskets :        0 : Basket Size =      8000 bytes  Compression=   1.00
Found nasty Hbook case!! You had an Hbook error message
 when creating the file (too many records)
 Hbook file should have been created with a bigger LRECL
 ROOT will try to recover
TFile Writing Name=upgrade.root Title=HBOOK file: upgrade.hst4 converted to
TFile**		upgrade.root	HBOOK file: upgrade.hst4 converted to ROOT
 TFile*		upgrade.root	HBOOK file: upgrade.hst4 converted to ROOT
  KEY: TTree	h1;1

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