Re: TStyle->SetOptStat(Int_t stat = 1)

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Mon Mar 16 1998 - 17:12:17 MET

Wouter Hulsbergen wrote:
> Dear Root users,
> I would like to know the meaning of the `Int_t stat' in
> `TStyle->SetOptStat(Int_t stat = 1)'. (In particular I would like to plot
> the number of entries in my TH1F, but not the mean, title etc.) I cannot
> find the answer on the web. Where should I look ?!
> Regards, Wouter

You can find this info at URL:
In short, this URL says:
// The type of information printed in the histogram statistics box
//  can be selected via gStyle->SetOptStat(mode).
//  The parameter mode can be = nemruo  (default = 111100)
//    n = 1;  name of histogram is printed
//    e = 1;  number of entries printed
//    m = 1;  mean value printed
//    r = 1;  rms printed
//    u = 1;  number of underflows printed
//    o = 1;  number of overflows printed
//  Example: gStyle->SetOptStat(11);
//           print only name of histogram and number of entries.

Rene Brun

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