Re: including the NAG-Fortran Library

From: Valery Fine (
Date: Tue Mar 17 1998 - 18:44:59 MET

On 17 Mar 98 at 17:20, Krieg, M. wrote:

> been translated into C in combination with the ROOT Tool. Can
> anybody tell me whether this is possible and how I can do it? Is
> there any documentation 

  Yes it is possible as soon as one may and can call ANY subroutine 
(FORTRAN ones inclkuded) from his C++ code.

  This means to call some "Fortran" subroutine oe should create a C++ 
"wrapper" class, create his own DLL/Share library, load that into 
ROOT session and call that C++ wrapper.

  Jst very short example. I am willing to prepare more useful one too soon.

class AnyExternalSubrotuineWrapper {
     <define here all parameters you want to pass>


    AnyExternalSubrotuineWrapper(<put here the list of all parameters you want to 
    void  ExecuteModule(){ <name_of your favorite Fortran code>(<list of 
                          its parameter>);
    void  operator()(){ExecuteModule();}
    void  operator()(void  *f1,  void  *f2=0,void  *f3=0,void  *f4=0,
                     void  *f5=0,void  *f6=0,void  *f7=0,void  *f8=0,
                     void  *f9=0,void *f10=0,void *f11=0,void *f12=0,
                     void *f13=0,void *f14=0,void *f15=0,void *f16=0,
                     void *f17=0,void *f18=0,void *f19=0,void *f20=0,
                     void *f21=0,void *f22=0,void *f23=0,void *f24=0);


  From ROOT interactive session/ ROOT macro/C++ pre-compiled code one should do:

   1. Create an instance of the AnyExternalSubrotuineWrapper class:

      AnyExternalSubrotuineWrapper *MyNAGSubroutine = new AnyExternalSubrotuineWrapper(<list of parameters>);

   2. call it:

      MyNAGSubroutine();  /* with predefined parameters */
      MyNAGSubroutine(<list of the new parameters);  /* with the new parameters */
   3. MyNAGSubroutine->ExecuteModule();

   I'd like to call your attention that one may not point ALL parameters this way.

   Hope this helps,

Dr. Valeri Faine (Fine)
    -------------------          Phone: +1 516 344 7806
Brookhaven National Laboratory   FAX  : +1 516 344 4206
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Dr. Valery Fine                  Telex : 911621 dubna su
LCTA/Joint Inst.for Nuclear Res. Phone : +7 09621 6 40 80
141980 Dubna, Moscow region      Fax   : +7 09621 6 51 45

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