TAxis bug

From: William J Deninger (
Date: Sun Apr 05 1998 - 01:52:38 MEST


There is a strange bug in 1.03/09 TAxis on my WinNT w/sp3 which can be illustrated in the following.

TH1F *h = new TH1F("h","test",300,0,300);
Int_t i;
TAxis *a = h->GetXaxis();
Float_t x = 55.0;
Float_t fXmin = a->GetXmin();
Float_t fXmax = a->GetXmax();
Int_t fNbins = a->GetNbins();

Int_t bin = a->FindBin(x); // result is incorrect
Int_t bin1 = 1 + (Int_t) fNbins*(x - fXmin)/(fXmax-fXmin); // result is correct

for (i=0; i<600; i++) h->Fill( i/2.0 );

Has this been corrected on version 2.0?

William J Deninger

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