Re: if (htotal <= 0.0) return -1.0E32; causes problems

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Mon Apr 20 1998 - 16:03:22 MEST

Chris Jillings wrote:
> Hi all,
>     I am working in the interpreter in Linux with version 2.00/00
> (9 March 1998). I do the following
> .L ../tools/fifty80.C
> .L correlation.C
> correlation("rootfile.root");  // this makes a histogram and calls
>   // th function fifty80 below.
> Float_t fifty80(TH1 *hi, Float_t fraction = 0.8) {
>   Double_t total = 0.0;
>   Int_t nBins = hi->GetNbinsX();
>   Int_t i = 0;
>   Stat_t htotal = hi->GetIntegral();
>   printf("%f\n",htotal);
>   //  if (htotal <= 0.0) return -1.0E32;
>   Double_t cutoff;
>   cutoff = (1.0-fraction)*htotal;
>   Double_t answer;
>   printf("%f\n",cutoff);
>   printf("Warning: Using a grainy 50/80. Only as good as bin width.\n");
>   for( i=1 ; i<=nBins ; i++) {
>     total += hi->GetBinContent(i);
>     printf("%d\t%f\t%f\n",i,total,cutoff);
>     if (total>cutoff) break;
>   }
>   answer =  hi->GetBinCenter(i);
>   printf("Value of %f point on histogram is %f.\n",fraction,answer);
>   return answer;
> }
> The first problem is the line (now commented out) with the condition
> followed  by a return statement gives the interpreter amnesia. That is to
> say the interpreter can not find the value of cutoff so the routine fails.

Hi Chris,
I have reported this problem to Masa. It looks like CINT
does not like a variable declaration following this kind
of if statement. Meanwhile, if you move the declaration
  Double_t cutoff
at the top of the function, your function works correctly.

> The second problem concerns bin numbering. This routine only works when I
> count from 1 to nBins. I would have excpected 0 to nBins-1. Is there
> documention about where unit-offset counting is performed as opposed to
> zero-offset counting?

In ROOT, we have tried to be consistent everywhere with the C/C++
convention of start counting at 0. This is also true in the case
of histogram bins. BUT, note that the UNDERFLOW bin is bin 0
and OVERFLOW bin is bin NBINS+1. So you get:
  underflow bin with  hist->GetBinContent(0);
  1st real bin  with  hist->GetBinContent(1)

Rene Brun

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