Re: Data Structure & TTree

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue Apr 28 1998 - 16:32:14 MEST

Diego Casadei wrote:
> Hello Rooters!
> I would like to save my data with this structure:
> File:  event 1 --> event 2 --> ... --> event N
>                    /  |  \
>                   /   |   \
>            subdet1 subdet2 subdet3
>                            /  |  \
>                           /   |   \
>                      count1 count2 count3
> Is it possible to obtain it with a TTree structure?
> Thanks.
> PS.  I know, I should understand it reading the online Root
> documentation, but I admit that it is not so easy for me...

Yes, this is a typical Tree structure.
Your class Event has data members subdet1, subdet2, etc.
subdet1,etc should be:
  - either a pointer to an object (derived from TObject). In this case
    Root will create one branch for this object.
  - a TClonesArray (the best). In this case the TClonesArray
    references objects from the same class (count). Root will create
    one branch for each data member of the count class.
If you create an Object of class Event, eg:
   Event *event = new Event();
you can create the corresponding TTree with
  TFile f("myfile.root","recreate");
  TTree T("T","title");

Examples of Tree are given in

Rene Brun

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