Re: 4-levels Tree

From: Carlos Lacasta (
Date: Fri May 01 1998 - 00:21:15 MEST


> I'd like to create the tree like: 
> 	Tree
> 	  |
> 1	 EventBody,Ntracks
>                       |
> 2		 TrackBody,Ncnd
>                             |
> 3                        CandidatBody,Nelements
>                                          |
> 4                                     ElementBody

I use to work with different trees, one per level, to cope with problems
in which one has a multilevel tree structure with variable length branchs. 
That allows easy links between them and, at least for version 1.09 where I
did my first tests, a much bigger compression factor than using
TClonesArrays. On the other hand one has to tune carefully the buffer
sizes of the branches in the different trees because that method seems to
be "punished" in what CPU consumption concerns. 

It may be a "brute force" approach but is seems to work. It would be nice,
however, a container class for such kind of objects (a more general TTree
class) that could allow for individual filling of the branches controlling
the space ocuppied with a method like Fill(char *branchName) in order to
benefit from things like AutoSave.



 Carlos  Lacasta                        
 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                        Division PPE
 Inst. de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC)     Bat. 161 1-014
 Avda. Dr. Moliner, 50                  CERN
 E-46100 Burjassot (Valencia)           CH 1211 Meyrin/Geneve
 Espanya                                Switzerland/Suisse
 Tel.: +34 6  3864500                   Tel.: +41 22 7673028
 Fax.: +36 6  3864583                   Fax.: +41 22 7677150
 WWW :

On Thu, 30 Apr 1998 wrote:

> Dear rooters,
> Thanks,
> Valeri Tyukov     

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