Re: macro to c++

From: Fons Rademakers (
Date: Tue May 12 1998 - 19:57:00 MEST

This is a recipe to convert macro(s) to shared libraries
(to automatize this "make" is your friend). In a future version we
hope to make this more automatic and let CINT do most of the work
(bypassing the rootcint step).

You've to do the following:

- to an existing macro, add the needed header files. Use ifdef's so you
  still can run the macro's via the interpreter. E.g. file myfunc.cxx:

#ifndef __CINT__
#include <TH1.h>            // any ROOT header
#include "myheader.h"       // any private header

void myfunc(int iopt)
   // here function code

- create a header file containing the prototype of your function. E.g.

void myfunc(int iopt);

- create a LinkDef.h file so rootcint knows what functions to process.
  E.g. MyLinkDef.h:

#ifdef __CINT__

#pragma link off all globals;
#pragma link off all classes;
#pragma link off all functions;

#pragma link C++ function myfunc;


- Run rootcint:

  rootcint -f mydict.cxx -c myfunc.h MyLinkDef.h

- Compile the two sources:

  g++ -fPIC -c myfunc.cxx
  g++ -fPIC -c mydict.cxx
  g++ shared -o myfunc.o mydict.o

- Now you are ready to use the shared lib in root. E.g.:

  root [0] gSystem.Load("myfunc")
  root [1] myfunc(99)

- myfunc() can also be used in buttons are anywhere else.

Cheers, Fons.

PS: to see the needed compiler options for your platform see the
    $ROOTSYS/test/Makefile and look how is compiled.

HANS WENZEL, FNAL: 630 840 8240 HOME: (630) 393 1756 OR 393 1873 wrote:
>                                                              FNAL, 12-MAY-1998
>     hi
> I am just a beginner concerning root. My question is the following is there an
> automatic procedure which i can use to transform working cint macros into
> standalone c++ programs that i can then link with the root libraries.
> e.g i would like to transform  hserv.C and hclient.C  from the tutorials
> directory and  and then run them without having to go through the root command
> lines.
> cheers thanks for any help
>                                    Hans

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