Setting bins for TTree.Draw

From: William Love (
Date: Tue May 19 1998 - 20:41:59 MEST

 Dear Roots

    I plot a histogram from a TTree (made with h2root) of
 an integer variable and ROOT picks bad bins.  I tried to do 
 TH1 *hrows = new TH1("hrows","TPC rows",45,0.5, 45.5);
    to set good bins and then 
    but I got 
 Warning in <TTree::Draw>: Deleting old histogram with different dimensions
    and the same wrong-headed histogram.  There seems to be no
 TTree.SetBins method.  You used to could do graph/hplot/null in
 PAW and then draw on the premade plot.  Must be able to do it
 in ROOT?

                     Bill Love

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