Re: greek font

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue May 26 1998 - 18:17:37 MEST

Wouter Hulsbergen wrote:
> Dear all,
> I want to put an `eta' at the horizaontal axis of a histogram. After some
> puzzling I find out that
>    text = new TText(-1,0.939721,"h");
>    text->SetTextFont(122);
>    text->Draw();
> creates exactly the title I want in the root canvas. The chosen text-font
> is `greek-medium-r-normal' and for whatever reason `h' is the roman
> translation of the `eta'.
> However, after saving the canvas as a ps file I find out that ps uses
> another convention for translating the roman characters to their greek
> variants: instead of an `eta' , my axis is titled with a `chi', also very
> greek, but not exactly what I had in mind.
> Of course I can find the ps eta by creating a TText with the whole roman
> alphabet, as I would try if there was no roottalk. There must be a better
> solution, I hope. Could anyone take care that the greek fonts for root and
> for postscript agree ? Or am I doing something wrong ?
> Regards, many thanks
> Wouter

There is currently no support for Greek characters on the screen
other than the local (and system dependent fonts).
Root supports Greek characters and many others in Postscript only.
See URL :
Look at the bottom of the page and for the tranalation tables and
examples look at the TPostScript constructor.

Rene Brun

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