subtracting TEventList's

From: Scott Sampson (
Date: Mon Jun 15 1998 - 13:52:26 MEST


I have a TClones array of TEventList's called "indlist". I want to make a
new TClonesArray of TEventList called "cumlist" in the following way:

 TClonesArray *indlist,*cumlist;
 indlist = new TClonesArray("TEventList",NCUT);
 cumlist = new TClonesArray("TEventList",NCUT);

 Int_t i=0;	
 TEventList *alist,templist;
 TIter next(indlist);

 alist = (TEventList *)next();
 (*cumlist)[i]= new TEventList(*alist);
 templist = *alist;  

  while(alist = (TEventList *)next()) {
    TEventList lastcum =(*alist)-templist;
    (*cumlist)[i]= new TEventList(lastcum);
    templist = *alist;

After compiling, the code always crashes at the subtraction of the 
TEventList's i.e. at "TEventList lastcum =(*alist)-templist;" 
How can I get the TEventList subtraction to work? Is it a problem with
memory allocation? 


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