Re: geant to ROOT

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Thu Jun 25 1998 - 19:05:29 MEST

Jayoung Wu wrote:
> Hi rooters,
> Is there any documents for converting geant simulation code to ROOT code?
>                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>                                     especially geometry setup for a detector
> ---

The program g2root distributed on most systems in $ROOTSYS/bin/g2root
converts a Geant3 geometry file into Root C++ geometry.
Here are the comments in the program header

*      Program to convert an existing GEANT geometry/RZ file
*      into a ROOT macro (C++ file).
*  To use this conversion program (in $ROOTSYS/bin),
*        g2root  geant_rzfile macro_name
*  for example
*        g2root na49.geom na49.C
*  will convert the GEANT RZ file na49.geom into a ROOT macro na49.C
*  To generate the Geometry structure within Root, do:
*    Root > .x na49.C
*    Root > na49.Draw()
*    Root > wh.x3d()    (this invokes the 3-d Root viewver)
*    Root > TFile gna49("na49.root","NEW")  //open a new root file
*    Root > na49.Write()                    //Write the na49 geometry
*    Root > gna49.Write()                   //Write all keys (in this
case only one)

A second program called gh2root
generates automatically C++ code corresponding to the Geant3

Rene Brun

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