Re: TClonesArrays of TList with Splitlevel 1

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Fri Jul 03 1998 - 13:23:26 MEST

Norbert Danneberg wrote:
> Hi Rooters,
> If I construct  a TClonesaray of a class wich contains besides some
> Int_t datamebers also a TList :
> e.g.
> class BGO : public TObject
> {
> public
> Int_t fAdc;
> Int_t fTdc;
> TList fAllTdcs;
> public:
> Memeberfunctions
> }
> Class Event: public TObject
> public:
> TClonesaary *BGOlist;  // TClonesarray of BGO
> public:
> Memebrfunctions
> }
> and use TTree:Branch with Splitlevel=1, is the TList Object then written
> to disk ? Or is there no output buffer created for this TList ?

As explained at
the automatic split mode cannot accept the class in TClonesArray
to have a variable part.
If your list of TDCs for a block is limited to a few,
you can specify a static array fTDCs[5] for example.
If you preset the array to 0, Root will compress the unused part.
This also simplifies a lot of things.

Rene Brun

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