h2root question

From: lijowski@cosray2.wustl.edu
Date: Wed Jul 22 1998 - 19:46:26 MEST


  Below is output from the h2root program which converting RW HBOOK 
  ntuple into root ntuple. Each event consists of 39 entries.

 Converting directory //example
 Converting RWN with ID= 9000, nentries = 1018414
AutoSave Tree:h9000 after 1.00007e+08 bytes written
TFile Writing Name=make_cris_ntuple.root.0 Title=HBOOK file: make_cris_ntuple.rz.0 converted to ROOT
TFile**		make_cris_ntuple.root.0	HBOOK file: make_cris_ntuple.rz.0 converted to ROOT
 TFile*		make_cris_ntuple.root.0	HBOOK file: make_cris_ntuple.rz.0 converted to ROOT
  KEY: TTree	h9000;2	CRIS
  KEY: TTree	h9000;1	CRIS
 Reading of the converted ntuple with a macro 
   //  read HBOOK generated ntuple and print number of entries

   // Connect CRIS ROOT ntuple demonstration file generated by h2root
   // from make_cris_ntuple.rz file
   TFile *f1 = new TFile("/data3/users/lijowski/make_cris_ntuple.root.0");
   f1 -> ls();

// connect a tree to an ntuple in the input file
   TTree *t9000 = (TTree*)f1 -> Get("h9000;1");
   t9000 -> Print();

   Int_t  Noevents = t9000 -> GetEntries();
   printf(" No of Events %d\n", Noevents);

 shows number of entries in the root ntuple to be equal to 636543.

  Is data lost during the conversion process or is it something else?


  Michal Lijowski

Michal Lijowski                  Washington University
Research Associate               St. Louis, MO 63130-4899, USA 
Department of Physics            phone:   314-935-6285
Campus Box 1105                  email:   lijowski@cosray2.wustl.edu

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